Generative AI & ChatGPT

I have been working on and speaking about the topic of AI since 2016. Over the years, I have researched across generational cohorts, and what is consistent across every age is the primary behavioral driver for why individuals will adopt and engage with intelligent systems, which is ease & convenience.

Generative AI, or artificial intelligence capable of creating new content and ideas, is one of the most rapidly growing technologies today. It has already made waves in the world of literature, art, music, and more. But what impact will it have on our future?

Generative AI has the potential to completely revolutionize how we create content. In its simplest form, it can be used to generate new stories or lyrics based on existing themes. The possibilities are far-reaching when it comes to creating entirely original works that would never been conceived without generative AI.

In this video, I discuss the rise of Generative AI and its implications for pharmaceutical marketing, creativity, prompt engineering, and key considerations tied to visual and text-based large language models DALL-E, GPT, and OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT.

Other topics include insight about ChatGPT Professional, Google vs. Microsoft, and discuss ethics, bias, and other key points to consider when thinking about the application of ChatGPT and other transformer models for business.

It’s clear that generative AI holds a great deal of promise for humanity and its future—but only if used responsibly and ethically. With powerful technologies like these come big responsibilities.

Follow Tom Edwards across social @BlackFin360